Fun Stuff
Fine Art
Print Design
Logo/Branding Design
Logo: National Discernment Campaign Client: American Baptist Churches USA
Logo: Auto detailing shop Client: Auto Image Detailers
Logo: Campaign to reach new members and plant new churches by the year 2010 Client: American Baptist Churches USA
Logo: Stewardship Program "God Changes My Life" Client: American Baptist Churches USA
Logo: Senior recreational activities Client: Chester Couty Senior Games Board
Logo: Online Service for keeping track of Construction Scheduling and Costs Client: The Strawboss
Logo: Investment group Cllient: American Baptist Foundation
Logo: Dakota regional ministries Client: American Baptist Churches USA
Logo: Baking company Client: Not Just Desserts
Logo: Biennial theme: "Serving as the Hands and Feet of Christ" Client: American Baptist Churches USA
Stewardship Program theme poster (shown) that was a repetition of the logo. Program kit included 8 items such as manuals and contribution envelopes Client: American Baptist Churches USA
Logo: Capital Fund Raising Campaign Client: National Denomination
Logo:r Tithing Program Project included theme poster (shown), 12 program manuals, bulletin cover, bookmarks, and more Client: American Baptist Churches USA
Logo: National biennial meeting Client: American Baptist Churches USA
© Mary Roach-Bailey